Cape May – SUNDAY!

Hello all!

We’ve made it up to Cape May safe and sound. The car ride was a bit arduous given the fact that it WAS Labor Day Weekend, but we arrived. With a wrong turn, traffic, and a febrile father, it only took 4 1/2 hours to get here!!

We were lucky to get to spend Saturday and Sunday with Maryann and Matt – friends from med school and internship. They came down for a visit (they are getting married in two weeks!) It was nice to see them. We spent the weekend walking downtown and seeing all the vendors out selling jewelry, paintings, and light switch covers (who knew you could have so many of THOSE!). We had dinner in a nice Italian restaurant last night and Abby just HAD to tell the waiter to bring her some bread the second we sat down (“You have to bring me some bread!”). THAT was embarassing.

Regardless, we had Bourbon Slushes on the porch with the ocean view, enjoyed the company of good friends, and tolerated the antics of a 2 year old who doesn’t quite yet understand the subtleties of fine dining! A great start to a promising vacation.

And now…the pictures.



Husband to Tricia. Father to Abby and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

3 thoughts to “Cape May – SUNDAY!”

  1. Well I guess I should stop looking at the pictures(like over and over, they are sooo good) and tell you how much I am enjoying them! Abby looks like she is having a ball. Hope the weather stays nice and have a slushie for me!!!!

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