Headshots Season Three!

Happy Birthday to Abby!!!

It’s her third birthday today! What better way to celebrate than with a retrospective look at the past 365 days. I got it done on time this year!!


Headshots Season Three from Jacob Wessler on Vimeo.


Husband to Tricia. Father to Abby and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

8 thoughts to “Headshots Season Three!”

  1. I’m always amazed at Jacob’s talent. I feel so blessed that he has made so many precious works of art that display the best parts of our dear Abby. I just watched all the past videos again and I’m always moved to tears no matter how many times I see them. Thanks, Babe!

  2. Oh my goodness Jacob, you have outdone yourself again! This is beautiful and I like Tricia was crying! Thank you for sharing another beautiful year of Abby!

  3. OK–I am getting ready to leave for Church, but the tears are now falling, so I will have to wait just for a little while. What a beautiful, wonderful vidio of a beautiful wonderful baby/family–Thank you Lord!!!!

  4. Joining the line of the teary-eyed bloggers who’ve gone before me. I LOVED the precious little voice at the end saying her poem. Absolutely wonderful.

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